
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Blog Post #11, Mrs.Cassidy's Class

First Graders in Mrs. Cassidy's Class While the first video was very interesting and valuable it was similar to so many others that we have seen in this class so far. I did like that in this video however, the students were being taught how to be safe and conscious online. They never put too much personal information online and they are never mean or hurtful online. Children gain from having an audience; blogs and wiki pages give them an audience. The most important thing I want to mimic in my classroom is the social networking. I believe that high school students could benefit greatly from connecting with people from all around the world. As young adults preparing to join the working force it is important that they know how to make connections with people who are different from themselves. The Cassidy-Strange Interviews In her interviews Mrs. Cassidy was very insightful, her opinion of teaching made a lot of sense. Technology is something that is constantly changing. That is something teachers new and old should embrace. The classroom blog and site are definitely things I would want to apply also I would want to continually add to my learning network. As Cassidy stated, she progressed into the use of technology she has now and she is always looking to add more tools. Another the topic she mentioned was reaching out as a teacher to other teachers. The never ending learning process of a teacher. I have had a twitter for about three years and I rarely ever use it. I created a second one for this class and I seldom check it. This is one of the things I would like to emulate from her. She says she isn't really interested in Facebook or Twitter for personal use but they fit her needs as a teacher. As well as using those she has branched out to find other sources. Being a teacher has always been my dream so I have never thought about things that would impede my teaching career. Up until this point, the only thing I could imagine that would interfere with me teaching would a disruptive student. I am now aware that not all teachers or administrators will be accepting or receptive of PBL which I hope to use. At this moment I can not really think of any way to combat that. Hopefully when I begin teaching I will have a supportive system like she did. If not I suppose I will just have to form one of my own.

 picture of a child writing with the caption saying

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